Visualization  Nurhak Bozdağ
Softs : Adobe Photoshop | 3ds Max | Stable Diffusion
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The model called Stable Diffusion is an artificial intelligence model that can generate unique photorealistic images from text and image prompts. It was first released in 2022. This model can be used not only to create images but also to generate videos and animations.
Visualization and Design Production
Stable Diffusion is a model that can generate realistic images from text and image inputs. This allows architectural designers to quickly visualize their ideas and explore alternative design options. Designers can efficiently explore the interior and exterior appearance of a specific space.
After extracting the depth map of the image, various production styles can be obtained by using models trained with specific rules, such as Stable Diffusion. These models are trained with certain rules or constraints during the learning phase, and then generate new images based on these rules or constraints.
Concept Visualization and Presentation
A model like Stable Diffusion can be used for concept visualization of architectural projects. Realistic and impressive images can be created to better illustrate how a project might look to clients or stakeholders. This can be an important tool for explaining design decisions and expediting project approval.
Style and Aesthetic Control
Stable Diffusion models trained with specific rules can generate images that are compatible with different styles and aesthetic preferences. This allows designers to obtain images that adhere to a particular design language or aesthetic understanding.
Rapid production results are obtained by combining inputs such as entered prompts and the depth mapping of the image. Artificial intelligence analyzes this information and generates various visual outcomes based on a specific design concept. Entered prompts are used to determine design objectives and features, while the visual depth map enhances the realism and impact of the produced images by providing perspective and depth perception. In this way, artificial intelligence accelerates the design process and offers designers the ability to quickly evaluate and visualize different options. This rapid production process aids designers in exploring the design space more comprehensively and finding more creative solutions.

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Digital Horizons