Alex Walton's profile


WK 8 - Experimenting with photography
Wire Wool Spinning

This is an example of experimenting at the point of taking photos.
I chose a disused tunnel in a woodland at night time to take this sequence. I had researched how to capture the photos and was keen to experiment myself with the help of my brother.
The technique involves using a metal whisk tied to a length of string and placing fine wire wool inside the whisk, which acts as a craddle. A lighter is used to burn the wire wool and once lit is is spun around in circles. By using a long shutter speed (20 secs, f/9, 100ISO), I am effectively light painting the scene with the burning wire wool and the sparks it produces.

Safety is the number one concern when attempting this kind of shot - glasses, gloves and non-flammable clothing is needed.
Also, you must consider the environment and absolutely never attempt this shot anywhere with flammable material such as a dry-grass field - hence why I chose a tunnel.

I feel this was a very successful try at experimenting with wire wool spinning and I'm pleased with the resutls. However, I can't see myself using this technique again as there are limited applications unless you wish to make a sequence of spinning shots in different locations.

