Camera Obscura

As we walk our same paths every day, seeing the same places, and the same people, our
surroundings can fade into the background, becoming familiar and mundane. We can forget the simple beauties in our everyday. The camera obscura forces viewers to see familiar surroundings in a new way, to look at the world with new eyes, and rediscover the life they thought they knew. There is always something beautiful to discover, you may just need to adjust your view to see it.

What is a Camera Obscura

A camera obscura is created with a darkened room and small opening to let light in. In this case, I used blackout fabric to create a dark environment as well as black poster board to cover the windows. I cut a hole in the poster board - roughly 2.5 inches wide - to allow the natural light in. This allows the live view outside the window to be projected on the inside of the constructed room.
Camera Obscura


Camera Obscura


Creative Fields