Nidhi - a mom with a heart full of passion and a kitchen filled with magic, approached us with a dream to share her love through Homemade Food, free from harmful additives and bursting with care.We knew the Brand Name had to be more than just words; it had to capture the essence of her story. So we embarked on a journey together, seeking a name that resonated with her values and the warmth of her creations.
And then, it bloomed
💜 Hearty Eats 💚
A brand name that whispers of comfort, of family, of nourishment for the soul. A brand name that tells you, before you even take a bite, that you're about to experience something special. 
The logo - a simple font embraced by fluttering hearts, mirrors the joy Nidhi pours into each dish.
We helped her craft the perfect packaging, a canvas for her dream to take shape.  And now, 💜 Hearty Eats 💚is ready to share its love with the world! 

Hearty Eats


Hearty Eats


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