Designed by djapsone®


Nordic Industries® is a corporate parent to a group of steel engineering companies with operations in the northern region of Norway.
Well known and positioned as the Leading experts in Precision Steel Engineering across the all Northern Europe.

The company's lack of previous attention to marketing increased the need for a new identity. The priority has become an adequate presentation of the current position of the company's visual identity.

The rebranding was supposed to fulfill a dual purpose: reflection of the current presence, at the same time not to exclude
the process of its development. The resulting visual identity was supposed to be a synergistic combination of the idea and the current positioning of the Nordic Industries®.
Rebranding was developed, which consists of elements directly related to the brand identity. Key visual elements have

been developed that have the advantage of being self-sufficient. They perfectly fulfill their task, functioning independently. At the same time, they are flexible for different marketing needs.


Designed by djapsone®
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