Omachi_Lẩu tự sôi Lauching

Lẩu Tự Sôi Omachi Launching Product
Client: Masan - Omachi
Brief: Launching new product "Self heating HotPot" - IMC plans + Key Visuals
Supervisor: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh
Art Director: Lộc Nguyễn
Designers: Trân Nguyễn, Lộc Nguyễn, Thắng Trương
Creative Idea: Eating hotpot in unimaginable situations
Eating hotpot has always be an act of celebration in Asian's culture. Thus, eating hot pot requires quite an "establishment" to eat: a stable place to eat and sharing stories between people (preferably a table), sets of utensils and dishes, multiple food toppings,... But then there is Self Heating Hotpot, with pre-packed toppings that promised to have both nutritional benefit and convenience. 

Based on the packaging of the product, along with a newer creative approach from planners that we defined the task to be done: How to feature the product that creating hype sensation in GenZ as the main consumers, and how to feature the product in a much modernized and bold way to really attract new users.
Art Direction:
Based on the brand's packaging design (and my own obsession with Cyberpunk and Blade Runner) our team proposed a more energetic - electric and eccentric approach in visual direction: Bold - Colorful - GenZ-ish.
In another word: Creative shooting angle (fisheye, low angle,...) - Bold neon lights - Modernized Typography
Overall tone and mood Moodboard
Based on the big idea: Eating hotpot in unusual circumstances, where the product opening up a whole new experience, a whole new feelings to the occasions (such as eating hot pot to celebrate while hiking in a mountain, eating hot pot right after you got a good grade in a test in a classroom). With the product, the end users could be eating hot pot in such convenient that never before seen!
This visual execution is all about: the product opening up a different dimension, a new experience which the end users are enjoying the product conveniently and in a chaotic - happy setting.
Visual Tactic Moodboard: Product opening up a new dimension
Proposed Key Visuals
Proposed Key Visual option 1: Eating Hotpot while hiking
Proposed Key Visual option 2: Eating Hotpot while getting a good grade in class
Social activities: Social Challenge demo
Proposal's styleframes
Omachi_Lẩu tự sôi Lauching