
Jason Todd, mejor conocido como Red Hood, es un anti-héroe vigilante que protege Gotham City con sus dos pistolas y un montón de ira reprimida. Como un antiguo Robin de Batman, Red Hood es parte de la Bati-familia, una red de héroes callejeros con conexiones al Caballero de la Noche, aunque su actitud solitaria, tendencia a la violencia y uso de armas de fuego usualmente lo pone en confrontaciones con otros como Batgirl, Nightwing, e incluso Batman.

Jason Todd, better known as Red Hood, is a vigilante anti-hero who protects Gotham City with his two guns and a lot of pent-up anger. As a former Robin to Batman, Red Hood is part of the Bat-family, a network of street-level heroes with connections to the Dark Knight, though his reclusive attitude, penchant for violence, and use of firearms usually brings him into confrontations with others like Batgirl, Nightwing, and even Batman.
Red Hood


Red Hood
