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Is a Degree Worth It?

As part of the final year Contextual Design course at Brunel, we were asked to create a publication that addresses a current theme for an existing magazine. I decided to research and write about if a degree is worth it, or is it a waste of money with tuition fess set to rise to £9,000.
Publication Introduction
England has an internationally respected system for higher education; there are now a record number of people enrolled within higher education institutes. With there being an increase within the amount of people going into higher education, there is also an increase in unemployment among graduates. According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, almost 28% of UK graduates in 2007 were still not in full-time employment three and a half years later after graduating. The general secretary of the University and College Union described this as a worrying trend. (BBC 2011)
A degree is supposed to be an investment into higher education with it providing new skills, knowledge and a qualification to put onto a CV. There must be a payback with any investment. Currently there are thousands of graduates who struggle to get wok due to the limited amount of jobs that are available within an extremely competitive market. With two thirds of students graduating with debt to cover the cost of a degree and the government set into increasing the maximum tuition fees from £3,350 to £9,000, it asks the question “Is a degree worth it?” 
Is a Degree Worth It?

Is a Degree Worth It?

University project to design a publication that addresses a current theme.
