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Bangladesh War Social Media Poster

Liberation war design of Bangladesh 2023
Service: Social Media Post Design
The Bangladesh War of Independence was a war fought in East Pakistan against the then West Pakistan in 1971. arrested. The war ended with the surrender of West Pakistan on 16 December 1971. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and replaced the leader of the majority party rejected the results of the 1970 general elections, religious minorities and police and EPR officials were killed. The military junta government intellectuals against the population and began systematic massacres. Through this nationalist ordinary Bengali citizens, students, teachers, Operation Searchlight East Pakistan on the night of 25th March 1971 Conducted military junta government-centered West Pakistan The state emerged. People's Republic of Bangladesh The war resulted in the independent and sovereign this A people's war ensued.Bengali genocide rise and independence movement in East Pakistan and Bengali nationalism. In the wake of Armed Struggle and Revolution
In 1971, the Pakistan Army and their local collaborators, most notably the extreme right-wing militia group Al-Badr, engaged in the systematic execution of Bengali intellectuals during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. Bengali intellectuals were abducted, tortured and killed during the entire duration of the war as part of the 1971 Bangladesh genocide. However, the largest number of systematic executions took place on 25 March and 14 December 1971, two dates that bookend the conflict. 14 December is commemorated in Bangladesh as Martyred Intellectuals Day.
Bangladesh War Social Media Poster


Bangladesh War Social Media Poster
