Sofiia Artiukhina's profile

SKETCHBOOK 14 (MAY-AUGUST 2023/ Warsaw, Poland)

SKETCHBOOK 14 (MAY-AUGUST 2023/ Warsaw, Poland) 
The period of my life when drawing from nature became so organic that I began to find many adventures while drawing on the street. I met a lot of people. Now I won't say about the quality of those acquaintances, but at that time it seemed very interesting to go down to the bar under the house every evening, to draw people who then let you into their world. Someone deeply and for five months, and someone only for the evening. Drawing helped me to stop thinking about the war, at least for a while. Allowed me to function normally.
In this sketchbook, I found a way to draw with a pencil. And it is also clear how big a mistake was made when drawing with ink and pen. Therefore, all ink drawings look very pop.
The most important points are the pictures of the sea. This is the Baltic Sea. My friends and I went to Sopot just for a day. And all that day we walked along the coast to Gdynia. Living water always works so well for me.
I also really love this airport sketch. I went there unnecessarily, just to paint. I associate airports with rest and something cool. Because I have never flown for work. When you enter the airport, you seem to leave all the problems that are happening in your life.
SKETCHBOOK 14 (MAY-AUGUST 2023/ Warsaw, Poland)


SKETCHBOOK 14 (MAY-AUGUST 2023/ Warsaw, Poland)


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