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Paprocky - Award winning whisky label design

Paprocky – Single Malt Whisky
We present the creative process associated with the label design for Polish whisky Paprocky. We describe the developed strategy, its implementation, and the end result in the form of market success and the prestigious Art of Packaging 2023 award.
a few words about the product
Bartex Bartol is one of the major players in the Polish alcoholic beverage market. It boasts a wide portfolio of proprietary brands, often available in unique bottles.
It is a family-owned company with a tradition dating back to 1990. When they approached us with the challenge of creating a label for one of the two Polish whiskies available on the market, we knew that an interesting and unconventional project lay ahead. Paprocky is a whisky that matures in oak barrels. Each bottle features a hand-inscribed barrel and bottle number. Such an unconventional philosophy demanded the right label.
We started our work with naming and the development of a Marketing Strategy. This allowed us to distill the most important product features. This, in turn, enabled us to create the ideal customer (persona), describe the brand archetype and its key characteristics and values. We then proceeded to describe the color scheme, SWOT analysis, and advertising slogans. We also prepared a guide on how to use the product. Additionally, we summarized the situations in which people reach for whisky, what they expect from it, and how they perceive it.
We also delved into what and who influences purchasing decisions and organized these factors according to their impact on customers. In the further part of the Strategy, we proposed the best POS (Point of Sale) materials and gift packaging. We reviewed catalogs of promotional merchandise manufacturers and, from thousands of options, selected those that would truly resonate with the target audience. Among them, for instance, were an apron for the grill master, an elegant hip flask, a compass, or a wooden phone stand. It was important for us not to suggest common items like a USB drive or a lanyard. If it's a notebook, it's only of high quality. If it's a glass, it's only dedicated to whisky.
Customer reach channels
We described the suggested online and offline customer reach channels. We selected specialists with the right reach and reputation in the industry. We steered clear of cheap influencers because they simply don't align with the brand's philosophy or customer preferences. We identified websites and portals with which it is worth partnering to quickly reach as many recipients as possible through word-of-mouth marketing. To this set, we added other below-the-line (BTL) ideas.
direction for the future
We also prepared inspirations for the website, the direction of promotion on social media, and sample posts. We indicated the tone of voice, selected and described ideal photos. We prepared interesting quotes that customers will gladly like and even share because they align with their own worldview. Finally, we described the Brand Development Strategy on a semi-annual, annual, and three-year basis. This approach allows us to divide tasks, so they can be completed one after another, while observing an increase in sales and product interest.
whisky label design
Whisky label design is a very challenging field. It's an industry filled with beautiful designs, rich embellishments, and great ideas. Standing out in it is no easy feat.
However, we were determined to find a solution that would truly set Paprocky apart while leaving no doubt in the customers' minds about the product they were dealing with. Designing a label completely different from everything on the shelves is not difficult. However, if such a design fails to clearly communicate what's inside the bottle, it won't succeed in the market.
the creative process
Our task was particularly challenging because, for legal reasons (the long registration process of the trade name), we had to initially consider several different product names.
Therefore, we prepared various creative designs based on the developed strategy and the client's needs. After presenting them, we could discuss with the client which concepts worked well and which ones did not entirely.
refining the design
We chose two graphic directions and worked on refining them. We clarified the messaging and details. We also checked several alternative fonts to ensure that the typography was optimally selected.
After consultations and discussions, we decided on one of the projects. Apart from the name, it did not differ too much from our initial proposals. In the meantime, the issue of reserving the name Paprocky was clarified.
the end result
The project culminated in sales success, entry into Lidl stores, enthusiastic reviews on numerous blogs and websites. The brand expanded with additional capacities, bottle variations, casks, and kegs. However, the greatest success was the nomination for the Art of Packaging 2023 award. But it didn't stop at the nomination. The label won the award in the Premium category! What's more, based on this label, the Adams company developed a barrel-shaped display. This project won the award in the POS category and later the overall Art of Packaging 2023 award. All of this was built upon our label. Furthermore, the label was submitted to the international packaging competition World Star, organized by the World Packaging Organisation.
Such collaborations are a pure pleasure!
thank you!
Paprocky - Award winning whisky label design


Paprocky - Award winning whisky label design
