Videos and Visuals
Floating in-between Spaces: Digital Garden of Remembrance
The Pattern Generator
Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, Department of Informatics Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program 2022-2023 Fall Term, MBL531 Computer Programming in Architecture, Assoc. Prof.Dr. Sema Alaçam ​​​​​​​
The Collage Location
Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, Department of Informatics Architectural Design Computing Graduate Program 2022-2023 Fall Term, MBL531 Computer Programming in Architecture, Assoc. Prof.Dr. Sema Alaçam 
-Resource Code from Tim Rodenbröker Creative Coding,    • Building a digita...   
The Fractal Visual
Fractal Visual, coded on processing.
a Visual on Touchdesigner. 
Voronoi lookalike visual, Made on Touchdesigner. 
Resource: bileam tschepe (elekktronaut). (2020, July 25). Pseudo Voronoi – TouchDesigner Tutorial 24 [Video]. YouTube.
Visual 2, using transform operators(mirror, rotate), is made on Touchdesigner.
Resource:Acrylicode. (2023, March 17).TouchDesigner Beginner Tutorial [Video]. YouTube.
The Lissajous Curve Table
Resource: The Coding Train. (2018, October 3). Coding Challenge #116: Lissajous Curve Table [Video]. YouTube.
MandelBulb 3D Fractal
Resource: The Coding Train. (2022, March 11). Coding Challenge 168: MandelBulb 3D Fractal [Video]. YouTube.

