ZOO Heritage

Bridging past and future

ZOO Heritage gathers the rich past of the Antwerp ZOO under one brand. Its responsibility goes beyond merely conserving. ZOO Heritage wants to bridge past and future with a strong sense of awe and wonder. From zookeepers to artists and scientists – the ZOO’s history was created by many generations of men and women who were driven by a desire to preserve the richness of the world in all its aspects. 
A dynamic design system

We introduced a simple yet elegant composition system that creates a subtle “H” wherever it appears. This highly recognizable design system frames different imagery while maintaining a consistent brand across all channels.  
The ZOO Heritage monogram is made up of geometrical shapes and combines classical elegance with a contemporary feel. The tiny triangle in the “H” visually represents forward movement and the bridge between past and future ZOO Heritage aims to be.

Extracting colors

There are no fixed ZOO Heritage brand colors. Instead, we extract the background color from the focal point of the H-shape. In this way, the color scheme highlights the most important element of the brand: its compelling stories.
ZOO Heritage