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"TARDIS" in Watercolor and Ink

Idris: "Did you ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago?"
The Doctor: "I chose you. You were unlocked."
Idris: "Of course I was. I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough."
I've been watching copious quantities of Doctor Who recently in the runup to the newest doctor played by Peter Capaldi who makes his debut next month. It occurred to me that the TARDIS is better, cooler, and more awesome than any Batmobile or DeLorean; thus, my tribute to the Old Girl.
"TARDIS" in Watercolor and Ink

"TARDIS" in Watercolor and Ink

A tribute to the TARDIS in anticipation of the new season of Doctor Who, as well as the new Doctor himself! Derivative of a design that I'd recen Read More
