Abbie Hemming's profile

Photography Skills

Photography Skills
Exposure/aperture is how light or dark an image is. Photos can be either underexposed which means they appear really dark or overexposed which is when they're too light. Aperture is how much light is let into the camera lens when taking the photo.
Shutter Speed
Shutter speed affects how blurry pictures will turn out. A fast shutter speed ensures less motion will be captured as the lens will be open for less time. When the shutter speed decreases, the aperture will need to be changed as it means there will be more light getting in, causing the photograph to turn out overexposed. At higher shutter speeds, you may need to turn up the ISO otherwise the photographs may turn out too underexposed which cant be changed by the aperture as its too much. 
These photos show a fast shutter speed which has made them seem quite underexposed due to not a lot of light having time to get in.
These photos were taken using a medium shutter speed. This speed is what is most commonly used and is used when taking photographs of things that aren't really moving. They create clear images yet slightly show signs of any movement.
The photographs above were taken using a very slow shutter speed; hence the highly blurred moving object. This is due to the camera lens being open for a long time so it is able to capture any and all movement. 
ISO is the amount of light that is taken in when taking a photograph. ISO also affects how 'grainy' or how much noise there is in a picture.
Photography Skills

Photography Skills


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