Tamir Shemesh's profile

Android Mobile App

Log in / Sign up page
The screen allows social registration and regular one by email and password.
Log in is mandatory to enjoy personalizedfeatures.
Add social network
the pop up convinces regular users to add social network to see friend's social activity.
App main menu
My TV page
The screen serves as the app home page.
The screenshot presents personalized catalog of movies recommended by the system, known as "Just for you."
TV show page
the screen presents all the seasons of a spcific TV show
Episode page 
The screen presents a specific movie.
The screen is presented when the user taps one of the movies from the catalog.
The screen provides:
- playing capabilities 
- Information about the movie
- Social functionality such as like and check in
- Social based content discovery feature called "Activity"
- Cast and crew content discovery 
Player page
Movie page 
The screen presents a specific movie.
The screen is presented when the user taps one of the movies from the catalog.
The screen provides:
- playing capabilities 
- Information about the movie
- Social functionality such as like and check in
- Social based content discovery feature called "Activity"
- Cast and crew content discovery 
Activity Page
The screen presents a log of social activity and its type,
carried out by friends and unknown users on a specific movie.
Friend activity
The screen presents all the activity carried out by a specific user.
The screen is presented when the user taps one of the presented personas.

My social activity
The screen presents all the social activity carried out by the current logged in user.
My friends social activity
The screen presents all the friends of the current logged in user.
Watchlist page
the screen presents catalog ov movies saved for later watch.
Android Mobile App

Android Mobile App

Android mobile app, which I have managed as a product manager.


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