Omni•Art TX's profile

RedRiverRippedTee Co. New Logo

So, this is the current state of an IRL acquaintances logo/banner for their Company page. I had her send me 10 words that she wants to describe the aesthetic and feel of her company.. what kinds of emitions does she want her companys logo and advertisement to envoke. She came up with this… 
Edgy, Rocker, Outlaw, Hippie, Western, Different, Peaceful, Black, Happy, Strong, United, Artsy. 
That’s 12 words but a who’s counting ammirite!? (Love you Echo :)) So, my pledge to my friend and acquaintance, who owns an apparel/fashion boutique,  was that I will try my damndest to create something that really stands out, strikes a chord, draws people’s attention and actually makes them feel something. 
Now there is a bit of a caveat for me if this doesn’t work out.. and it’s a sweet deal for her.. but this is just me putting in good faith and positive efforts to form a business relationship with her. The caveat for me and icing for her is that I am doing this completely free of charge. If she likes it and wants to use it then I will be her go to guy for advertisements, new logos, banners, flyers, etc. If she doesn’t like it then she can still use it and also deny me of providing her future services. This is just my pledge to her in good faith that this will work out the way that I WILL it to work out. 
So without further ado I will begin on this project. I’ll keep y’all updated. 🖤
RedRiverRippedTee Co. New Logo


RedRiverRippedTee Co. New Logo
