Sarah Pattison's profile

QR Code Mobile Data Representation

This data representation takes the form of a mobile with 6 hanging cubes covered in QR codes. The data representation is of career areas that Cork Institute of Technology’s Multimedia graduates work in, with the data taken from LinkedIn accounts of past students.The cubes represent 6 career areas:
●     Web Design
●     E-Learning
●     Photography
●     Video Production
●     Graphic Design
●     Animation/Motion Graphics
The length of the wire holding each cube corresponds to the percentage of Multimedia graduates working in that area. QR codes on the cubes link to websites, videos, job listings, etc. that unlock information about each area. Each cube has 4 unique QR codes and some QR codes load a different video each time. This project intends to display to current and prospective students of Multimedia the opportunities out there for when they graduate. It could be displayed at Open Days or department symposiums so that families and friends of Multimedia students may gain a better understanding of what Multimedia students do and what may lie ahead of them in the workplace. 
Here is a link to the blog I used during the creation of the project which shows what links I used and how I made the mobile
Here is a video demonstration of the mobile. 
My class had a pop up exhibition of our pieces at the end of the year and many people came around and asked me questions about the piece and were impressed by it. I think it's a really interesting way of using QR codes, things that are becoming more and more visible in everyday life. 
QR Code Mobile Data Representation

QR Code Mobile Data Representation

This mobile was made as a data driven artifact for my Avant Garde in Digital Media module in my final semester of college.
