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Wesley Star Rebrand 2023

Launching a new network or rebranding one is never easy. Our team is preparing the launch for multiple graphical projects beginning with the launch of the Star Network and the 2023 Star O&O Package. 

Network Pkg:

This same design principle is being applied to all assets under the Star Network name with the formation of Star News and Stations which is under the PlanetStar Name. We are here the design team came up with this design to be applied to News, Sports, Weather, and all assets to form unification within the network.

Star O&O Rebrand:

The work on the new Local O&O Star Stations rebranding began in late 2019 as plans to relaunch all 41 of our Owned stations began. These will first appear on Star 16 Carolina in Late 2023. 

The design follows the network look and feel putting the Brands shape logo front and center. 

The stations numbers or branding are all in a custom font to give more of a modern sporty look to the channel numbers something new.

Star O&O Weather Graphics:
Our team was tasked with wondering what the future of Weather is. We wanted to implement new concepts of our own on our O&Os with not only new options for meteorologists and forecasters, but also a new experience that is all about the viewers.

All icons our team designed are for the Star O&Os only!

Here is what our team came up with: 

The Weather graphics are the most important part in building a news graphics package and what we have come up with brings modern and realistic graphics together in a simple and easy to use package for meteorologists.

Full use of IBM's WSI MAX system and Baron's Lynx system to build these graphics occurred. (WSV3 and GRLEVEL Radars also have the following graphics).

An update to these weather graphics is in the works for the year 2024 to help better integrate new weather technology and put our viewers preferences first we are currently working on this project more coming soon.

Custom Star O&Os Opens:

Some of the major flagship stations can opt not to use the default open designed by our team. We also designed custom news opens for some of our larger soon to be stations.

This project is complete. More designs for the national assets are coming soon.

Thank You give us your feedback our hire us for more projects! 
Wesley Star Rebrand 2023


Wesley Star Rebrand 2023
