Menu Screen:
You choose Room or play game. When you click Room bottom, you can get foods and accesarries for your animals. When you click play game, you are ready to play with animals.
Play Game:
Tap the character you want to play with.
Choose Game:
You can choose additio, subtraction, multiplication or division to play the game.
Game Screen:
Answer the question. Tap either one that you think correct.
Game Screen:
When you answer correctly, you can see your animal and earn 2 points each time.
Room Screen:
When you choose Room on the menu screen, you will be taken to this screen.
You can get some food, clothes and accessories by using those points.
Process of buying foods:
This is the screen where you choose food. Each food is worth different points.
Last Screen:
When your character has grown, and you clear the level, your character graduates school.
You will see a new baby animal.
Math With Me

Math With Me

Math with Me is a math app for children 5-10 years old to practice calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division while Read More
