Maiann Johanson's profile

Brand identity for LIFT Talent Agency

Our 2nd year ended with an exam which included making a brand identity for a company named LIFT Talent Agency in groups of 3-4. This exact agency mediates dancers for clients who would like them to dance like in some party etc.
In this exam week we all divided our tasks. Mine was to make a business card and a t-shirt design. 
All in all it was a great experience and I liked to work in a group with different ideas which lead to nice outcome.

Business card mock-up
T-shirt mock-up
Minu kursusekaaslaste Eva ja Rolandi ülesaneks oli teha agentuurile veebileht. Jagan seda samuti, sest see mõjutas meie edasist töökäiku. Siinkohal mainiksin, et olime kõik kas vähemal või rohkemal määral igasse tööprotsessi kaasatud.

My classmates Eva and Roland made a web design for LIFT Talent Agency and i would also like to share these because this all affected our further course of work. At this point I would like to mention that we were all involved in each work process to a greater or lesser extent.
Website mock-up
Brand identity for LIFT Talent Agency

Brand identity for LIFT Talent Agency
