Micro ARcade explores the idea of adding physicality to augmented reality games, to allow players to explore and interact with their surroundings in a unique and immersive way. Using augmented reality, this allows players to view the mossy field at a microscopic level, revealing nature’s struggle in the fight against microplastics that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. These pollutants pose a serious threat to the environment, leaving it up to the players to use an AR character to explore and find microplastics to eliminate them, restoring the natural beauty of the mossy field. Micro ARcade hopes to inspire a deeper connection and appreciation for nature through a ‘phygital’ (physical and digital) experience.
Built on Unity to iPad Pro
Users would have to scan the QR code to begin the experience, followed by spawning their character. They would be greeted by micoplastics falling onto and decomposing digital flowers and mushrooms in the scene. Upon encountering a microplastic, an instruction will appear to prompt users to walk around and find all the microplastics to eat.
Physical Open Terrarium
Built on 100x100x80 cm pallet
Focusing on creating high and low terrains for the character to run and jump upon, the scene is made to be hilly and driftwoods were used as a bridge for the character to run across or under. This terrain also encourages the user to move around the scene, stepping around in the soil, to physically follow their character on their journey to find more microplastics. To mimic the forest floor, the greenery used includes Malayan moss and Rabbit's Foot Fern, both relatively slow growing plants to maintain the realism in AR.
Exhibition Run
1 week exhibition- ADM Gradshow 2023
The first reactions people had, were surprise and delight as they did not expect an AR game to be played on a physical open terrarium scene, let alone on real plants. Many responded with enthusiasm to complete the game and find all the microplastics in the environment. Even though there are only 4 iPads for the exhibition, groups were willing to share the gameplay experience and Micro ARcade was able to house up to 10 people at a time. Some users were hesitant to play as they were not as tech saavy, however, they were able to pick up the controls and even complete the game. 
Micro ARcade


Micro ARcade
