The Circus surrounds the subject of wild animals being kept in circuses and exploited for entertainment and profit. Animal cruelty can be difficult to recognize when it’s under the disguise of amusement. My project was made with the purpose of bringing this fact to life.

In this digital gallery, there are 3 tents representing 3 animals: Tiger, Monkey and Elephant. Each of them provides a series of visual artworks, a combination of illustration and text, providing facts and information about the mentioned animals. These illustrations revolve around the concept of a circle. If we look around the stages where animals are forced to perform tricks, the circular shape is always present in these tools: chains, wheels, balls, stools, hats, drums and hoops. A loop that traps them in, round and round, from which they cannot escape. My project uses this powerful image as voice, a statement shouting: “This still exists!” And the longer we continue to fund circuses that abuse animals with money, the more circles we are creating in society.

The project was made as a gallery where users can go through and learn about each wild animal in captivity easily, and they can decide to take actions like donating or sharing in order to help. But most importantly, it’s for others to understand what is violence, to empathize and gain knowledge for themselves about this matter.



