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Book design and layout

Moscow sport is a school of champions. Vsevolod Bobrov, Mikhail Botvinnik, Sofia Velikaya, Alexander Ivanitsky, Irina Rodnina, Svetlana Romashina, Valery Kharlamov, Lev Yashin — the names of outstanding athletes can be listed for a long time. They became idols of several generations and invited millions of boys and girls to sports clubs.
Each sporting event held in Moscow is unique in its own way, as are the experiences associated with it. But sport is first and foremost about people. Thousands of Moscow athletes worked tirelessly to glorify their schools and coaches' names all over the world. Their records, results and achievements have forever entered the history of world sport.

The design and layout of the book is made for Deluxe Interactive
Book cover design —
 Deluxe Interactive
Photo for the case — Julia Bessonova

Book design and layout

Book design and layout

Дизайн и вёрстка юбилейного подарочного издания для Московского спорта. Книга сделана совместно с Deluxe Interaсtive. Дизайн обложки — Deluxe Int Read More
