Matías Gallardo's profile

The value of meaning

In this work I try to capture the value that we can give to different works when we encompass them within some meaning. At first sight, when we see this piece, we could only mention that it is a black circle with two rings surrounding it and that these forms are framed by a rectangle, right? However, if we want to give it meanings they could be:

1. KNOWLEDGE: The circle could represent our mind, while the rings could project the expansion of knowledge and finally the rectangle could mean a possible barrier to this knowledge. 

2. PROBLEMS: To a friend when I showed him the image he answered: "The circle is us, the first ring are problems of our adolescence, the second ring are our problems of adulthood and the square comes to mean the death that ends the problems". 

3. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: And finally I can say that this image can also graphically represent everyday objects or shapes. For example: An eye, the sun, target shooting, etc. 

Now that I explain a little bit what my work is based on and how it can increase its value according to the meanings that each person gives it. I would like to know your opinion, what do you see?
The value of meaning


The value of meaning
