
Stickero - a brand that develops various types of tapes. Brand identity project is a comprehensive design project that aimed to create a strong and modern visual identity for the brand.

The main message of the name "Stickero" is to give the impression that something is firmly glued.We wanted to create a personalised logotype that would have a deeper meaning. That is why we came up with the idea of ​​a lizard as a mascot. Lizard legs seem to stick to the surface, just like tape, so we depicted this in the logo.The logo for Stickero is a key element in the brand’s visual identity. The logo features the brand name “Stickero” in a bold and modern typeface, with an unusual appearance of the letter “O”, as if a sticker had been pasted. It creates a distinctive and memorable mark as the logo is a strong and effective visual representation of the brand.

Stickero branding


Stickero branding
