       The Beast is a single player open world game made for my Diploma Game Technology course.
This is a story based game, you play as a person named Adam, and the island you live in gets attacked by monsters, the player has to find out about the monster and the history of the island and save the people from the upcoming threat.

This game is designed and developed by myself and this game is available to download in itch.io website

Also, this game is made in Unity.

Below is my game trailer, gameplay demo reel videos and screenshots
         This part shows two different enemies in my game and their fighting style. 
Weapon Switching and attacks
            This part shows different weapons and switching between them. Each weapon has a 3 hit combo attack. Player can dodge with or without the weapon

              Player gets each weapon as a part of story progression.
Player Interacting with NPC
                Player can interact with NPCs as a part of their gameplay
Patrolling Enemies
            Enemies patrolling the area without a navmesh.
NPC doing a task
              This is a part of the story, where the player has to follow the wizard to a unlockable area and the wizard unlocks the area.
Player Interactable
         The player can interact with certain game objects in the scene.

In this the player interacts with the stone, the lore is added to player, and the player can read the lore of the island by pressing a button, a panel will open and the player can click on what is collected and read the lore.   
Save Game
          This game has a autosave feature. The game saves whenever player enters the area of yellow icon shown in the mini-map.  If the player dies he is respawned at the last saved location. Players can also use restart from checkpoint option from the options menu whenever they want. 
Short Gameplay Video
        The below video is a short gameplay video. This quest is a part of the story.
Thank you for watching

You can download and play this game from my itch.io profile. My profile link is below
The Beast pc game


The Beast pc game
