The English as a Second Language program in Denver, Colorado is an LDS program dedicated to teaching native Spanish speakers English so that they can adapt more easily to the dominantly English-speaking communities they are in. I worked closely with the program manager to rebrand the program and expand outreach. After the rebrand, the ESL program's classes saw an increase of learner retainment, going from classes that had 5-10 students for 1-2 classes only to completely full classes of 50-60 students until the final term.
Primary and Secondary Logo

I designed two logos for ESL Denver: a primary and a secondary logo. 
The primary logo is a logomark, or image-heavy, and the second is a typographic logo, or word-heavy.

I went with Colorado's state colors red, white, and blue, and yellow. I went with a sunrise to symbolize light and hope, and mountains to show that ESL Denver is a steadfast and resilient program. 
Online Advertisements

In addition to the rebrand, my client wanted to created ads to upload onto the program's Facebook. I went with photo-heavy ads to prove to people that there was plenty of students coming in.

I really wanted a transparent feel to show potential learners that this is a great place to learn, and many other people think so too. The photos also helped to show that a wide range of learners attended the ESL Denver classes, from children to adults.
ESL Denver


ESL Denver
