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Project Ren's Promotional Video - A Case Study

Bringing Art to Life: How Frame Painting Elevated Project Ren's Promotional Video - A Case Study
For Project Ren, an apparel brand, we added a frame painting effect onto the footage to achieve an authentic and unique feel for the video.
The Ask
Visual Smugglers played a crucial role in helping Project Ren, an Asian-American streetwear brand, establish a unique brand identity and improve their visibility on social media. Our team delivered an exceptional and cohesive identity that perfectly resonated with the target audience. Although the client provided only a PNG file, we fulfilled their expectations by using motion graphics to add people wearing the hoodies to the footage, which made the final output even more visually appealing. Services We provided: provided: Brand identity development, Discovery phase research and analysis, Creative brief development, Video 3D rendering, custom frame painting, Typography and color palette design and Visual asset gathering and selection
Intention is the foundation of any successful project. By establishing a clear intention at the outset, we can align ourselves with our client's goals and utilize our time effectively. This ensures that we are all on the same page from the beginning and sets the stage for a successful outcome.
The Process 
To begin, we outsourced clips that featured people wearing hoodies and footage that complemented the overall aesthetic. Our creative direction was to build a sense of legacy and hype around the brand by showcasing people doing legendary activities while giving a glimpse of the product. We created a mood board to establish a clear creative direction. While many suggest "thinking outside the box," we believe it's better to think inside the box and establish clear parameters for creative choices. Ironically, setting boundaries can actually enhance creativity.

Through the application of critical thinking, we were able to repurpose stock footage in a unique way by painting over the faces. This allowed us to create a distinctive visual product without requiring the client to hire models or filmmakers, resulting in significant cost savings. Our creative approach demonstrated the value of resourcefulness and innovation in achieving effective outcomes for our clients.
In conclusion, our creative agency was able to provide our client with a unique and cost-effective solution for their visual marketing needs. By establishing clear parameters and utilizing critical thinking, we were able to repurpose stock footage in a creative way that aligned with the client's brand aesthetic and messaging. Our approach not only resulted in significant cost savings for the client but also demonstrated the value of resourcefulness and innovation in achieving effective outcomes. We are proud to have delivered a high-quality product that successfully showcased the brand's legacy and hype while providing a glimpse of the product. At our agency, we are committed to providing our clients with customized and innovative solutions that meet their unique needs and exceed their expectations.
Project Ren's Promotional Video - A Case Study


Project Ren's Promotional Video - A Case Study
