Apollo Belvedere
I had the pleasure of collaborating with Visionnaire Home Philosophy, an esteemed Italian luxury design brand, on a truly unique project that merged traditional marble sculpture with immersive 3D animation. My inspiration for this project was the Greek god Apollo, and I created a modern, otherworldly interpretation of the classical Apollo Belvedere sculpture.

The result was an immersive 3D animation that tells a modern mythical story, offering a fresh take on this ancient tale. By combining Visionnaire's exceptional craftsmanship with my own distinct aesthetics, we were able to seamlessly blend tradition with the digital age, creating a truly groundbreaking work of art and design.

Our project was designed to push the boundaries of innovative art and design in the era of Web3 as the sculpture and animation are one work bound with NFT+ technology. By exploring new and exciting ways to merge traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology, we were able to create a unique and captivating experience that speaks to the future of art and design.

Apollo Belvedere

Apollo Belvedere
