Catie Doa's profile

Kazan Lake Redevelopment

Kazan Lake Redevelopment, Kazan, Russia  
@ Turenscape 2017
“Elastic band: The Immortal Treasure of Kazan” is one of the award-winning competition entry designed by Turenscape and MAP Architects. Following the "Sponge City" concept initiated by Turenscape, the design lash together the concept of ecological recovery of a post-industrial lake and urban space network, making it a pleasant waterfront for city dwellers in Kazan, Russia.
Photo taken on 2017. Kazan Lake before redevelopment.
Concept of filtration wetland: 
collect and filter polluted runoff in place before moving downstream
I was involved from the final design stage to construction stage field trip in 2017. Having seen one of the great landscape project from Turenscape turning from concept to construction, I gained knowledge on Turenscape's approach related to the design and construction of artificial wetland. That "ecological infrastructure" involves a considerable level of civil works and a combination of wetland plants suitable for the climate, the grand idea requires a level of precision with regard to the levelling of space, choice of materials, pumping and drainage system, and the calculation on hydrology and sizing of artificial ponds to make it functional.
A purification wetland device is implemented to collect the surface runoff and provide treatment to purify the water before discharge. Water pass through a series of wetland ponds filled with aquatic plants, undergoing a biological process on purification, leaving the water cleaner when entering the big water body. The system involves involves a series of hydrological calculations and sizing of the ponds to make this device works.
Detail 1: extended walkway, surface-flow wetland and retention ponds
Detail 2: gabion retaining structure to facilitate ecological recovery
Detail 3: convert existing drainage outlet into artificial wetland
Simple technology but grand idea, I appreciate the minimalist approach Turenscape applied to many of their projects. In the future, I am looking forward on how the primitive idea "design with nature" applies to other planning projects and landscape details.
Other mock-up and details
- Copyright © Turenscape 2017 -
Kazan Lake Redevelopment


Kazan Lake Redevelopment
