George Georgiou
Last Stop
George Georgiou's website says that his photobook "Last Stop" is "essence of Last Stop is that you might take the same route everyday but what you see, the ebb and flow on the street takes on a random nature, like a series of fleeting mini soap operas. The concertina book format reflects and mimics the flow of a bus journey, but more importantly it gives the viewer the opportunity to create their own journeys by spreading the book out and combining different images together. This moves the book away from an author-led linear narrative to one of multiple possibilities" This narrative for his photobook is similar to what I want to focus my Photobook on as well. Georgiou's focus of his photobook is looking outside the window and photographing what is observed on the outside of the bus, this is something that I want to work on as well as photographing the inside of the bus journey as well, which I will use other photographers for inspiration for. 
George himself says "Last Stop was photographed across the city of London through the windows of its double decker buses. Although London has always been a dynamic city with a changing demographic, I was surprised by the speed of change in the last decade. London has experienced its largest foreign migration in history, the economy had boomed but the wealth gap has increased. Somehow, all this diversity has found a way to co-exist. This migration was one of the first motivating factors for making this project. The idea of London as the promised land, the last stop. But this migration in the city applies to us all. It is this constant movement and sharing of space that fascinates me. As a young teenager, during the school holidays my friends and I, would wander around the city, jumping on and off random buses. We would go to places we had no reason to visit and used London like a massive playground. In many ways, what I am doing now is not too dissimilar, taking random buses and getting lost across the city. The double decker buses allowed me too frame the city, to give it sense. The lower level is very close to street photography, I’m almost touching the people on the street. The upper deck allows me the distance to capture the layers of the urban landscape. Another observation, is how people use public space in a big city, that sense of invisibility. By sitting behind the window, I also became invisible, a little bit like the thousands of CCTV cameras that track our movements"

And "As a photographer I wanted the challenge of not having full control, taking whatever free seat there was next to the window, only being able to photograph, what was within reach of my static position and in front of me. Just a fleeting glance.
Nonetheless, my photography is not detached. I try to capture and understand the emotional content of London’s everyday movements, rhythms and rituals. I am part of this, it is also my movement, my community, my home."
What I like about George's Photographs is that although the project is focusing on the outside as well as the people on the outside of the bus, this includes the people waiting for the bus as well as the people that can be seen just living their daily life which is observed by the people on the bus, I like this concept as well that you drive past so many people as well as different environment and you never really think twice about the people that you cross on the journey from the bus driver to the people on the bus as well as the people which you drive past on the journey. 
My Favourite Photographs from "Last Stop"
This image is personally one of my favourite photographs from this photobook since I believe that it captures the concept of the book very well, you can clearly see from the image that the book is about transport (maybe not as specific as a bus) however this shows that concept of a journey and not specifically knowing the root of the bus (from the image you cannot tell wether the bus is going left or right) or who you may meet on the journey either. The photograph also shows the window with the rain falling on it which shows that the photographer is looking through the window of the bus and taking the photograph which is the main concept of the bus. 

From this image I also like the composure of the split roads looking left and right again which creates that idea of different journeys and roots to take, but the apature of a darker apature which creates the different mood which is also enhanced by the rain on the window which creates a gloomy mood.  
This again is another one of my favourite photographs for another reason, this photograph focuses more on one person who is sat waiting for the bus which play with the concept of not knowing who someone is or where they are going or what has happened in their day, the background of the photograph is also blurred out and the camera would have had a shallower depth of view, this creates more focus on the person sat down instead of the people in the background. This photograph is something that I want to try and replicate in my own work and experimenting with depth of views and apatures to create more focus on one person. 
George Georgiou

George Georgiou


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