How Effective Is Retail Digital Signage? What Do the Stats Say?

Digital signage has endless use cases in the retail sector. One of the main purposes of digital displays is to increase the visibility of messaging and enhance engagement. As a business owner or marketing manager, you’ll want to know the ROI will be worth it. In this guide, we’re looking at some of the stats that highlight what businesses have to gain by leveraging this technology.

One of the most popular statistics that you’ll come across is that digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays. That’s a good starting point, but what about the more specific use cases, such as customer engagement, brand awareness and revenue?

Customer Service & Engagement

64% of users cite increased customer engagement as the main benefit.
57% also report that digital signage has helped them improve customer service.
It can reduce perceived waiting times at checkout by as much as 35%.
29.5% of customers find digital menus influential for the purchase of a product.

Brand Awareness

59% of those who see digital signage content want to learn more about the product or topic.
84% of UK retailers believe this technology creates significant brand awareness.

Increase Footfall

76%-80% of American consumers enter stores they have never visited simply because of the signage.

Increased Revenue

Can increase overall sales volume by around 30%.
Over 60% of buying decisions are made at the Point of Sale.

Whether your current business objectives are to increase sales, boost brand awareness or see an increase in visits to your brick-and-mortar shop, when employed correctly, digital signage can help you achieve these results. You need the right hardware, software, media material and location for your signage and Kuusoft can help you choose the right solution digital screens in retail stores for your business objectives. Contact our experts today to learn more.
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