TED Talks - Season 2

TED Talks presented us with an opportunity to work with a wide range of visual styles and an equally diverse set of motion design techniques
The team at TED Talks reached out to us to help them create motion graphics for Season 2 of their show on Star Plus. Our task was to conceptualise and animate various visuals that would play as on-air/on-screen visuals during each speaker's talk. In all we created and animated visuals for around 15 speakers for season 2
Mani Vajipey - CEO, @Banyan_Nation - A smart waste management platform Talk: Your Attention Please. A look at garbage and waste management process and solutions & the people that form a part of the waste value chain in India.
Deepa Narayan, Social Psychologist and Author Talk: 7 beliefs that can silence women - and how to unlearn them. In this talk, Deepa Narayan identifies seven deeply entrenched norms that reinforce inequality - and calls on men to help usher in change.
Dr.Madhumita Pandey - Criminologist, Researcher Talk: "Why I Study Rapists and Their Motivations". An in-depth look at Toxic Masculinity and understanding how it exists in Indian society.
Arun Sukkumar: Head @ORFCyber - Cyber Security and Internet Governance Initiative Talk: The Future of Human Machine Symbiosis. Looking at the future of technology India's impact on it.
Dr. Sharmila Bhattacharya - Chief Scientist for Astrobionics, NASA Talk: What Fruit Flies Can Tell us about Living in Outer Space. What impact would space travel have on the human body
Bhakti Sharma - Open Water Swimmer Talk: Mental Health and Sport - Investing In Yourself. Understanding the importance of mental health and how it played a role in Bhakti's remarkable achievements in swimming.
VK Madhavan - Chief Executive, WaterAid India, Development Innovator Talk: Urban India's Water Crisis Your Attention Please (Episode 6). A talk focusing on how India can reimagine it's relationship with water
Snigdha Poonam - Author and Journalist, National Affairs Editor, Hindustan Times Talk: How India's youth reflect the country's changing values.
Check out more projects on our website!
TED Talks - Season 2

TED Talks - Season 2

Conceptualising unique infographics & animations for Star Plus' premier educational program TED Talks.
