For this project, we created icons derived from verbs on a random word generator. We went through a three step process of coming up with ideas and sketching them, then digitizing them and finally, coloring them. The five words that I chose were: dream, inject, inspect, scream, and cry.
Inspect: I had a few Inspector Gadget ideas, but that seemed too obvious. I asked my friend for some ideas, and she told me to draw an ant because she misheard "inspect" and "insect". So I drew an ant in a Sherlock Holmes costume. But that felt like a stretch. I ended up going with a magnifying glass as the iris of an eye. 

Inject: I was brainstorming ideas, and had a few that involved syringes. But I wanted to take it even further, so I thought of ideas that surrounded situations when people get injected. Like plastic surgery. Lot of people get lip injections but I already had an idea that involved lips, so I had to pick something else. So I went with the other most popular surger spot. The peach! I wanted to go with the iconic peach emoji, but like, in a botched surgery kind of way.

Cry: For cry, I challenged myself by brainstorming ideas that surrounded recent events in the world where a lot of people were crying. And there was one obvious one. The Queen's death. So I took the England flag and slapped a picture of the Queen on it. But that didn't really make me think of crying. So I sprinkled in a little obvious factor and put the crying emoji over top of it!

Scream: For this one I had a few ideas that involved the infamous 'Ghostface'. But that is sooooo overused. So I came up with some other ideas. I wanted to make an icon that made it seem as though you can hear the scream coming through the screen. I liked the idea of using a mouth that resembled the 'Rolling Stones' icon because it's just so iconic. And then I chose tv static for the inside of the mouth because when you see it, you can hear the sound in your head. 

Dream: I wanted to convey what the word makes us think of when we hear it. I was brainstorming ideas and just kept thinking of "head in the clouds" so I took that and ran with it. I added a sun in the middle to symbolize warmth enveloping the mind, which is what I think of when I think of dreaming. 

Creative Icons

Creative Icons
