LEISURE CENTER surf-park, gym, sauna
Made by Polina Lebedeva I student
Soft: Autodesk Revit , Lumion 12.0
Year: 2022
This time we were given a task with mandatory conditions: a leisure center with a universal auditorium and a cafe.  
Then we had to come up with three additional functions for our center, given that its purpose is of a district nature. I chose a surf park, sauna and gym. After analyzing the entire territory of the city of Minsk, I chose a place in the Leninsky district, or rather on the cape between the Svisloch River and the Chizhevsky reservoir. This area has not been landscaped before, so I thought it needed to be done. The Chizhovka Arena is located not far from the projected facility, so it seemed to me that as a result of fashion, it would be possible to get a very sporty area. I have highlighted the most important aspects that, in my opinion, should be observed in leisure centers, in my case in a surf park: safety, comfort, activity.
I wanted the shape of my building to reflect its purpose. Since, after all, surfing is the main focus of my leisure center, I decided to use the properties of water: smooth lines, rounded shapes.
I choose concrete panels and white plaster as facade materials.  Large areas of the building are glazed for a large amount of natural light in the halls.
The layout of the student project:
Thanks for watching! Make architecture!

