Today many cities are working their way towards being pedestrian and bicycle friendly. More and more people in the urban areas are opting for walking, bicycling and transit as their mode of transport considering the health and environmental benefits. A lot of infrastructure is out there such as sidewalks, bike lanes, bike racks and bike share programs that many cities invest into. Some of this information is available in bits and pieces in printed maps, but it is not comprehensive. There are some apps out there but mostly focus only on the health or workout.
A simple iOS app may come in handy for pedestrians and bicyclists to find route between their destinations depending upon their walking and biking preferences (ex. fastest routes, flat route, bike friendly route). Along with the route options, the app can also help search for transit connections, bicycle friendly businesses, bicycle repair shops etc. which the user might find useful while walking or biking. Additional benifits could be monitoring workouts and connecting with friends and groups who share similar interest in walkng and biking.
My responsibilites included user interviews, flow diagrams, creating wireframes and usability testing.
User Research
Likely users would be anyone and everyone who uses walking, biking as a mode of transportation. It could be anyone from students and professionals to tourists and fitness enthusiasts. Conducted face to face interviews with people who could be the potential users of this app by asking them open ended questions.
Persona and Contexual Inquiry