Erin Heroux's profile

UWinnipeg Safety Awareness Campaign

UWinnipeg Safety Awareness Campaign

Goal: Security Services strives to provide a safe, secure learning environment for its students — while preserving a philosophy of unhindered community access. A cluster of unfortunate security incidents had resulted in a feeling of unease across the campus community and student body. In addition to an increased security measures on campus a security awareness campaign was developed. The campaign aimed to educate students of the importance of their responsibility to keep themselves and their belongings safe and share a reminder of the services available. It was important to inform but not alarm.

Solution: A clever take on messaging was developed to catch the attention of busy students. The creative centred around a play on words, unexpected imagery and bright colours leveraged from the secondary colour palette. Visibility was an important part of the success of this campaign, the campus was the medium chosen to ensure this was the case. Strategically placed vinyl floor, window and wall decals, hanging signage blanketed our downtown campus were the specific messages were most likely to resonate – locker bays, study areas, entrances and bike racks to name a few. 

Role: Project lead, concept development, creative direction 

Deliverables: Campaign activation, environmental collateral: posters, vinyl decals, hanging signage, tent cards, pop-up banners, digital screens, social and web graphics, stickers

Highlights: A campaign activation was planned for the beginning of the new school year. At orientation, a mini faux market was set up which included a demonstration of UW Safety app and hand-outs with further information. To encourage students to use the UW Safety app, each student who successfully downloaded the app received a gourmet doughnut from a local shop.

UWinnipeg Safety Awareness Campaign

UWinnipeg Safety Awareness Campaign


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