George Stagkos's profileGeorgios Vergas's profile

Kapani Adaptor

Kapani Adaptor

Project Area: 1000 sq.m
Year: 2022
Location: Ermou Thessaloniki, Greece
Team: Vergas Georgios, Zaranis Marios, Stagkos Georgios
08EΧ19: Studio class project, 4th year

The study plot is located on Ermou street, a commercial street near Aristotelous square. The main idea is to provide a multifunctional sustainable indoor-outdoor space for the people that use the outdoor market. The wood and steel construction stands at 28 meters tall and contains: shops, a bicycle parking lot, an outdoor cooking and sitting area, a public WC, office spaces and also hydroponic and regular farming on the top floors. The building uses renewable energy sources, rain water and rubish to transform them into compost, which then can be used for the farming.

The concept:
Sencond and sixth floor plans:
The structure of the building is visible and can be seperated in two parts. At the left there is a steel section of vertical movement that contains the staircase, two elevators, two anavatoriums, and large steel pipes. At the right there is space for all the facilities, indoor and outdoor. This section is made mainly of wood and there are also enclosed areas that are protected from rain and wind.
Detailed section cut:
Construction details:
Visualization of the top floors - farming:
Scale model:
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Kapani Adaptor