How to Add Colors to your iPhone Calendars

By default, you are not allowed to change the color of your iPhone calendars. However, taking into account the great functionality of Apple, such as can you record a call on iphone or photo processing. You have to stick with the color Apple has deemed fit for the iPhone.  But wouldn’t it be a whole lot better if you could change the colors in your calendar, assign different shapes to different calendars, or maybe change a single part of the calendar only to give it a different color? It would be eye-catching, and it would help in keeping better track of your appointments and schedule. You wouldn’t like your personal calendar and your work calendar to show up in the same shade, would you?

Fortunately, Apple does provide a slightly tough-to-locate method for changing/adding colors to your calendar. To do this, you need to first change the calendar color on iCal using your computer, and then re-sync your iPhone to see the colors changed. You can sync the iPhone using either iTunes or MobileMe.

Firstly, you need to set up iCal on your Mac. iCal is a free personal calendar application for Apple users. It is integrated with iCloud and offers features such as multiple calendar viewing, sharing, syncing, etc.

Once you have set up iCal, these are the steps you need to follow to change your iPhone’s calendar colors:

Open the iCal application on your computer running Mac.
From the menu provided on the left, choose the calendar whose color you want to change.
When you see the calendar of your choice, hold down the ‘Control’ key, and click on the calendar.
From the menu that will appear, click on ‘Get Info.
A dialogue box will show up, where you can now edit your calendar. On the right side of the calendar’s name, you will see a drop-down menu. Open it to see the color options. Make your choice.
If you want to select a different color that is not among the ones shown on the list, you have the option of generating a ‘Custom color’. To do this, click on ‘Other’.
After you are done selecting your color, click on ‘OK’.
Now you will have to re-sync your iPhone so that the colors of your calendars on your iPhone match those you have just generated on iCal using your computer. You may sync your iPhone using USB, but at times the exact color you have chosen on iCal might not show up in your iPhone. To ensure seamless syncing, you can use MobileMe.

Syncing using MobileMe:

You need to register for a MobileMe account at ‘’.
Once you have a registered account, log in to your account.
Sync iCal with your account.
Then all you need to do is log in to your MobileMe account using your iPhone, and set it so that it syncs with the calendar you have on
Keep in mind, that you need to double-check that your iCal is synced with first, or you stand a chance of losing all your existing calendar records on your iPhone.

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