Interactive Installation in Children Hospital for Pain Distractor​​​​​​​
Role(s): UX&UI Lead, Graphic Designer, Video Assist
Tool(s): Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Procreate, Figma, and Reaper.
Time: 12 Weeks
Client: Starlight Foundation (for study purposes)
Team: Majdina Widodo (Project Manager), Abigail Yuchen Gu (3D Lead).
Design an interacive projection-mapping of underwater with imaginary animals to distract children from their pain
Nearly one million children visit Emergency departments in Australia each year, and almost 80 per cent undergo several operations a day, with many experiencing moderate to severe pain.

Compared with conventional care, the use of digital distraction has been shown to modestly but clinically important reduce pain and anxiety in children undergoing painful treatment.

We designed an interactive projection for the Starlight Express room to alleviate pain in children.

An installation will project the underwater world onto the walls of the room, where children can interact with it by touching the imaginary animals on the wall.

Reduce anxiety and pain in children by distracting them with interactive games during hospitalization.

User Research
User Personas 

In order to develop this project, I created three user personas that direct us to see the real problem. These personas were created after a careful observasion on people who visit the hospital and thse who frequently visit the starlight express room. Among all the personalities out there, we decided on a young mom with a baby, a 5 year old girl, and a 12 year old boy.

The young mom is Tiffany. She come to the hospital frequently because of her son’s health conditions. Most of the time, her baby always fussy during their hospital visit because of the uncomfortable environment. She wonder if there are a space in the hospital that can calm her son.

The 5 year old girl is Holly. Holly has a toothache because of all the halloween candy she ate. During her visit to the hospital, she is in a bad mood because of her pain. She can’t talk, she can’t even cry. Her parents already tired of her complaints. It would be nice if there is something that can distract her from her pain.

The 12 year old is Andrè. He is a young cook who is training for a cooking competition. His doctor already said that he will recover before the competition day as long as he check up on time. However, he was to anxious to recover.
To put it into words, we have a worry-wrat mother, an annoying kid, and an anxious pre-teen.

User Journey

In addition to that, I illustrate a user journey to picture how the user will interact with Aqua Light and see what respond they will give. For a detailed analysis, I use a story of a 5 year old girl named Holly. At the beginning, Holly have a toothache and can’t endure the pain so her mother bring her to the hospital, however she is too scared to see a dentist. While waiting her mother checking in, Holly waits in the Starlight Express room and get distracted by the wonder of jellyfish. The combination of calming and wonder will distract her from her pain and fear of dentist. Later, when she finally get treated by the dentist, she will not feel as scared as before and will anticipate to finish early in order to get back to the starlight room. Finally, she will go back to see the Aqua Light post-treatment and leave with a good hospital experience.
Project Approach
Aqua Light will be an interactive projection-mapped underwater environment where users can interact with virtual animated jellyfish. It will be projected in the Starlight Express room on one wall, leaving ample space in the rest of the room for young patients to roam around freely.

The sound design for the projection will include sounds such as flowing water, popping bubbles, and kalimba melodies to create an immersive ambience.
In order to interact with the projections, children can touch the jellyfish on the wall directly. Motion-sensor cameras will then pick up the interaction and trigger playful animations and sound effects with the jellyfish being interacted with.

Why Jellyfish?
Jellyfish moves in a way as if it was floating around, which can calm and fascinate people.
If there is a child who got stung by jellyfish, you don’t have to worry because the jellyfish we’re using is an imaginary jellyfish called Nyx Jelly.

What is Nyx Jellyfish?

Nyx Jellyfish is an imaginary jellyfish created by Aqua Light for our users. The word 'Nyx' came from Germanic mythology, which is a type of shapeshifting water spirit. The name itself has the meaning of ‘to wash’ or ‘to be washed’. Taking this idea into consideration, the Nyx in Aqua Light symbolize having the power to wash away pain from children.

Style Guide
Aqua Light is created with the idea of bringing a calming environment for children. Therefore we designed our logo with a wave to symbolize the pain itself. Pain is like a wave, it might hit you suddenly but it won't stay there forever because it will be washed away.

The colour palette for Aqua Light is dominated by blue and greenish-blue. These colours are inspired by the colours of the sea. For the typeface, we use Herculanum for the heading to giveout the rustic aesthetic and Gill Sans for the body.


