Mit Kit | Product and Fabrication Design

What we can do with our hands has the power to change how we perceive ourselves—they are tied intrinsically into what makes us human. The Mit Kit is a portable hand therapy system and an engaging, affordable alternative to conventional hand therapy practices. Its purpose is to uplift people in need of rehabilitation who cannot afford it or simply lack access with the rising costs of living.

- 2 hot/cold hand pockets for pre-workout bloodflow and post-routine inflammation
- 3 modeling materials of increasing density for strength building
- 1 materials tray with a variety of objects to use across multitude of exercises
- 1 pegboard box and set of sticks
- 1 companion handbook comprised of a warm-ups and 25 different exercise routines
- Accessibility-friendly containment solutions
The Mit Kit Companion Handbook coincides with all the materials present inside the box. It was curated to provide potential users a balance of strengthening, flexibility, and dexterity within each group of exercises. The book is color coded based on levels of difficulty and designed to grow with the user—as their skills increase, so too does the difficulty of each exercise group.

As fine motor disabilities vary, it made sense to create a universal regimen. However, one size does not fit all, so the book advises users to adjust exercises according to their personal needs. As the Mit Kit relies on the concept of self care, there is a small check-in space at the bottom of each exercise page in hopes of encouraging users to be mindful of both their physical and mental wellbeing.
Mit Kit


Mit Kit
