Claire Fischer's profile

Wolfington Home and Garden

Client Project -
Wolfington Home and Garden
Wolfington Home and Garden is a family-owned small business that started in 2020, making handcrafted wood, paper, and leather goods like Christmas tree ornaments and door stops. In 2022, they are expanding their online store to include porcelain tea sets and accessories for games like Dungeons and Dragons. As the company upgraded its products, its logo needed an upgrade, as well as a few additions to the brand as a whole!
Main Logo
The original logo was simple and neat, but not what they wanted to symbolize their brand. They wanted a larger color palette and an edgier typeface to push their company in the new direction they were heading towards, especially as they are beginning to make more game pieces. 
I took inspiration from various sketches done by the client involving a moon with a gradient in size, and eventually color. I created four different wolf shapes using Adobe Illustrator, playing with how much of the moon the wolf took up and the rigidness of the nose and ears. I presented these to my client first in black and white before adding color. 
From left to right: Basel Neue Bold, Costa Std Bold, Paralucent Bold/Demibold, Bely Display Regular/Basel Neue Bold, Glodok Display/Basel Neue Bold
I proposed 5 different fonts for the heading and subheading of the main logo. I chose a variety of fonts that had subtle serifs or very distinct features like the last option. They wanted something bold that would stand out on their site. 
The client wanted to use colors from a Mid-Century Modern palette, specifically those that would invoke a sunset to use in the moon shape. I chose 6 colors that I felt would look good together on their own and in a gradient. 
I used the colors to create a gradient that mimicked a sun setting behind the four different wolf shapes.
After narrowing down the font choices to two, I proposed several different stroke and fill variations for the main logo. The stroke either went around both the wolf and the moon, just the moon, just the wolf, as well as a filled version. 
Mad Hatter Tea Sets Logo
In addition to a redesign of the main logo, the client was looking for a design for a subset of their company, tea sets! The name Mad Hatter Tea Sets provided inspiration for the hat shape, similar to that of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. I drew the hat design and provided color options using the same colors as the main logo design. 
I then provided different text layouts for the logo, varying letter angles, and color combinations. We also used a calmer font for this logo compared to the main logo so that it would match a slightly more whimsical energy and increase readability. 
After the color choice was finalized, they decided they wanted a banner or plate behind the hat to make the design a little more cohesive. I provided two different-sized banners and color combinations in teal. 
Games Logo
Wolfington was also planning to expand their business into the games world by making accessories for Dungeons and Dragons, such as dice towers. 
They wanted to somehow incorporate the shape of dice into the design of their main logo. We used two of the more recognizable shapes, the D20 and D12. I created the shapes using the shape and pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. 
Because we used a different font for the main logo and the Mad Hatter logo, I 
gave two different versions of the design with each typeface and dice shape. We eventually decided to add the wolf design as well to have a main logo version of the Games design. 
Final Designs
Wolfington Home and Garden

Wolfington Home and Garden
