Voithru Corporate Identity

The Client

Voithru is an innovative technology-based content tech company that helps the globalization of cultural content beyond the limits of the existing translation market that had relied only on translators. The core business of Voithru mainly consists of two parts. One is to provide an innovative online workspace for translators, and the other is to translate content for global communication. 

As a workspace for translators, Voithru delivers a system that handles tasks other than translation, such as proofreading, AI-based voice recognition, and design work. It allows translation experts to entirely focus on translation to improve the efficiency and quality of translation services. As a media content translation company, Voithru responds to the rapidly changing media market demand and provides a connected content experience by providing global audiences with various cultural content, such as movies, dramas, webtoons, novels, music, and YouTube videos. Based on the vision of becoming the global top content translation platform, Voithru does not simply translate one language into another but also delivers the impression the content gives by carefully considering the characteristics of content and the international audience in pursuit of high-quality communication.

The Objective

Unlike competitors that only provide simple translation services, Voithru operates a translation system that uses artificial intelligence technology to help over 2,000 translators worldwide. The existing visual identity simply delivered the value of a translation service company. It could not capture all of Voithru's core values. Voithru wanted to strengthen its identity as a global communications company by renewing its visual identity. It tried to establish an image that reflects the company's vision and mission through verbal branding, including slogans and stories. Throughout the project, YNL has sought to develop a visual system for Voithru's core business, the content translation service, and the work assistant service for translators. In addition, YNL wanted to convey the company's identity as a translation platform on a higher level Voithru pursues based on the system.

The Solution  

YNL has developed a visual identity that represents the uniqueness of an end-to-end content translation solution company that helps more cultural content reach a broader world based on the values of trust, rapid challenge, and technological innovation. Voithru essentially provides the work system for translators and globalizes various cultural content. YNL redefined Voithru's corporate identity and core values based on the company's nature and developed Voithru's story and slogan according to them. YNL developed the corporate motto, ‘Connected Everywhere,’ based on Voithru’s business that connects content, people, culture, and the world. Based on the verbal identity of Voithru, YNL conceived a symbol of two figures linked as one. The two overlapped figures that form the symbol represent two core values: a workspace for translators and a translation platform for global communications. They express the identity of a global content platform that adds new possibilities to contents.

Corporate Slogan

We developed the corporate slogan based on Voithru’s core values. A global translation platform, Voithru's core values is to deliver quality that transcends cultural barriers and content that is authentic in any language. Through innovative translation technology, Voithru focus on connecting people, and connecting content to the world.

Illustration system

YNL has developed an illustration system that captures Voithru's business to convey the company's message effectively. Voithru's illustration visualizes a minimal and modern mood with a combination of geometric solids and lines. It used the symbol's characteristics to create the company's identity and color combinations that match purple, the main color for the company, to express a colorful and lively mood. 

Voithru CI Renewal
Corporation Identity / Brand Story / Brand Slogan / Illustration

Client: Voithru Corp.
Date: Nov. 2021- Jan. 2022

Project Team
Brand Design: YNL Design

YNL Design 
Art Direction & Design: Liz Yoona Lee
Brand Design: Kwangsu Shin, Eunhye Lee, HeeJae Choi

© 2021 YNL Design

Voithru Corporate Identity