Octavius Glenn's profile

Sambirejo Village Stone Arts & Visitor Center

Sambirejo Village 
Stone Arts & Visitor Center

Studio Akhir Arsitektur 51
Pembimbing : Dr. Rahadhian Prajudi Herwindo, S.T., M.T.
Ko Pembimbing : Bregas Vikri Prayuko, S.T., M.SA

Sambirejo Village is one of the villages in Sleman District, Yogyakarta which has the most tourism potential, but there are no integrated facilities to display the potential of Sambirejo Village. Sambirejo Village has 30 years history  of making a living as a miner, but that stopped in 2014. For 3 years, Sambirejo Village was looking for a new livelihood which led to the revitalization of what was once a mining center into a tourist area with the help of former miners who inherited rock carving techniques. This is a success that has become a catalyst for Sambirejo Village to develop in the world of tourism. However, since 2020, investors from outside have started to enter. This raises a problem, namely, the resources which are opportunities for local residents to develop infrastructure and the economy in Sambirejo Village has been recognized and utilized by large outside investors. Therefore, there is an urgency for integrated tourism sector development facilities that is community based and is using available resources in Sambirejo Village, not only natural resources, but also utilizing human resources.

The theme of this project is Community Based Design where the existing community is the main focus in deciding the form and function of the building. The community that is appointed is a community of stone carvers who have been recognized nationally starting from the success of the Breksi Cliff in 2016. However, in it’s development this building is also intended for other communities in this small village. As a building that focuses on social values, good cooperation between building and building users is needed. Therefore, minimal interventions are designed so that the building can be well received. This theme was chosen so that in practice, this building can last a long time by instilling a sense of belonging from the community in Sambirejo Village with this project.
Thank you.
Sambirejo Village Stone Arts & Visitor Center


Sambirejo Village Stone Arts & Visitor Center


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