Nevena Ristic's profile


conceptual solution for the redesign of the amphitheater at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac, serbia

project year 2019.

The aim of the project is the redesign of the amphitheater, changes and a completely new design of the walls, ceiling and floor in relation to the existing state of space / interior. The idea is to create a completely new amphitheater from the original appearance of the amphitheater, which would have a dual role, to be separated from all other rooms within the faculty by its appearance, so that students find it interesting and happy to stay in that room. work and to retain functionality and basic purpose. The goal is for the new look of the interior to be completely innovative and unseen in previous university institutions, to redesign to remove the monotony of classic colors and create a completely new, modern, interesting and unusual atmosphere.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
floor plan with disposition of furniture / floor treatment / ceiling treatment
Sections and details
The idea is to use one material as a coating for all visible surfaces in the amphitheater, in this project they are alubond plates with imitation oak, so that in the foreground, as the most impressive and interesting element of the whole amphitheater came lighting, in the form of ice plates with diffuser in the shape of a triangle that would be connected to the side walls from the ceiling.
Benches / tables would materialize with the rest of the space, and the seating would be new comfortable chairs that also fit into the overall interior design. As for the central part, the wall treatment would be reduced to an alubond board in the lower part with an interesting shape and the upper part of the wall painted white. The white color is thus added to the board, which remains in its central position.
The advantage of this solution is a simple yet modern and interesting look that would attract students and make the time they spend in the amphitheater not boring.
3d presentation
project year 2019.
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