Visa Right

Visa Right –
Get Ready To Enjoy Germany

Every day people move from one country to another in search of a better life, but administrative burdens are unavoidable. In this proposal, Visa Right helped ease the stress with their internationally recognized services. They needed an introductory video explaining how they can assist you and give you peace of mind when it comes to relocation matters around the globe.

Visa Right is an innovative startup with a clear mission:
Make the immigration process to Germany fast, effortless and affordable by using cutting-edge legal technology and putting insider expertise directly to work for visa applicants because we believe everybody wins when bureaucratic hurdles become obsolete. After the script and storyboard approval, we started the character development. 

Character development

For this project we were supposed to be visually attractive and friendly, and also create a comfortable rig for further animation. After a few iterations we were coming to the right forms and we’ve started to work in colors.

 After the characters were approved, the style of the project became crystal clear - flat forms combined with the stroke. To make our characters even more expressive, and highlight the storyline, we’ve made the background in calm colors, to highlight the main narrative.


As usual we bring our characters to life with 2D Animation and by giving them a Brazilian Twist, and the original video scope was accomplished. As always, please stay tuned for our next video and have a safe relocation!​​​​​​​

No, we’re not from Brazil. But we do love making things move in a contagious Brazilian Creative Style. We harness our creative kinetic spark and high-level marketing to ensure your company’s messaging and video turns heads.

Visa Right

Project Made For

Visa Right

Every day people move from one country to another in search of a better life, but administrative burdens are unavoidable. In this proposal, Visa Read More
