Catherine Graham's profile

Missouri History Museum Proposal Graphic

This was the graphic that I made for a proposal for the Missouri History Museum.  It was based off of the three pieces of inspirational design that were given as part of the application information bellow.
The text below is the written explanation acompanying my application. The requirements were to create an example graphic that represented the 11 final works that would be commisioned for a new children’s exhibit preview following/ reinterpreting the design style of the graphics below.
This was my written explanation that acomanied my proposal.
Inspiration and Visual Plans
 Photographs from MHM Archives
 In my work, l incorporated historical photographs from the MHM collection. This choice of incorporating photos was inspired by one of my favorite children’s book illustrators,  Mo Willems,  who draws imaginary cartoon characters into photographic backgrounds that look like the readers every day world. In this case, I used photographs in reverse to show how real world objects or people fit into the imagined exhibit.
Source Numbers for Photographs used from Missouri History Museum Archives in my proposed Soulard Plan-
 I have a young boy “Timmy” that is sitting on the top of the “S” in the “Soulard Market Area” text. “Timmy” is a character that I would use in all of the images, potentially interacting with the scenes. The purpose is threefold.
First, he would act as a unifying factor in all of the exhibit area graphics.
Second, finding him encourages viewers of all ages to spend more time looking at the images.
Third, he serves as a mini game of Where’s Timmy for any children looking at the exhibit.
This will emphasize that this exhibit is a playground for children where they can discover themselves in history.
Missouri History Museum Proposal Graphic

Missouri History Museum Proposal Graphic

This is the graphic and description for a proposal to the Missouri History Museum's Children's Exhibit: Lets Build It!
