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Inkling Music Studios

Art direction, design, and development for the visual identity 
of this newly-named boutique music studio.
Logo Construction
Expression Items
Interim Web Site
Lightbox Sign
Inkling is a boutique music studio focused on teaching youth. They provide an energetic and nurturing environment for students to explore their aspirations and foster their talents.
Services were provided free of charge and it was necessary to create quality items as efficiently as possible. The approach was to create a manageable expression that could be applied to a myriad of as-of-yet-unknown, on-demand applications.
With no budget to put toward custom photography or illustration, the identity relies instead on an exaggerated use of bold colour. The visually vibrating palette supports straightforward messaging, typography, and graphic elements and serves to exemplify the controlled exuberance of the studio.
In contrast, the logo is much more composed. Based on the repeat sign found in musical notation, it underlines the concept of practise and connotes the commitment of the studio and student to instruction and learning.
Inkling Music Studios

Inkling Music Studios

Art direction, design, and development for the visual identity of this newly-named boutique music studio.
