Color Branding: Logo and marketing materials

Client: Cinderella’s Wish List
Business: This client is a charity that givers away prom dresses to needy high school students at an annual social event.
What they wanted: A logo and brand for the charity.
I took two Cinderella symbols to create the logo, the dress and the shoe. These are also items that are given away as the dress drive so this truly demonstrates what this charity does.
My color approach was fun and young to appeal to teenaged girls; as well as a sophisticated color to represent the charity. The color I came up with was a special blend of fuchsia with a touch of yellow.
Logo for Cinderella's Wish List
Shopping bag sample
Logo used on stationery, flyer and shopping bag
Logo on envelopes
Attendee at prom dress drive with dress and shopping bag.
(photo courtesy ivybez.com)
Logo on shoe-shaped candies served at the event.
(candies done by SweeTess CreationZ. Photo courtesy SweeTess CreationZ)
Girls with their shopping finds at the Cinderella's Wish List Prom Dress Drive
Wall decorations at a dress drive, dress motifs using table covers.
Volunteer at the prom dress giveaway event wearing a Cinderella's Wish List shirt.
Color Branding: Logo and marketing materials

Color Branding: Logo and marketing materials

Client: Cinderella’s Wish List Business: This client is a charity that givers away prom dresses to needy high school students at an annual socia Read More
